
Monday, September 23, 2024

Encounter Deck

Cards have memory. Don't believe me?

Get a cheap deck of cards. Write an encounter on as many of these cards as you want. Shuffle them. When you want a random encounter, draw a card and use it. Do not return the card back into the deck.

Upgrade: By including instructions as to what cards could be included into the deck, you can create random sequences of events. For example:

  • Ace of Spades: traveling merchant who was robbed by bandits (add 4 of Hearts)
  • 4 of Hearts: bandits who robbed the merchant (add 8 of Diamonds and 6 of Clubs into the deck)
  • 8 of Diamonds: the bandit leader
  • 6 of Clubs: the guards who were looking for the bandits, willing to reward those who dealt with them

The biggest upside is that you don't get repeated events, unless you return the cards back into the deck or unless there are multiple copies of a single event. The cards will remember what happened, and unlike your regular roll table, they won't repeat themselves.

That's all. Have a great day!

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