
Tuesday, July 26, 2016


A young human looked across the grasslands and breathed in deeply. The sounds of insects and birds filled the air along with the smell of flowers as he admired the colorful scenery in front of him. He finished writing a sentence into his book, threw it back into his bag and started walking.

Welcome to the first official post of this blog! My intention is to dedicate it to homebrewing settlements for D&D 5th Edition.

From experience I know how difficult it is to build a settlement from scratch. It is often something one needs help with, and also a work that's never finished and always improved upon. There are NPCs to think of, locations to describe, plot hooks to catch on and secrets to discover.

I'll always start with a post about settlement, which will be followed by posts for NPCs, locations if they are complicated enough, and also other stuff if there is enough content to warrant separate posts for them. Each post will begin with a paragraph written from point of view of Max - a travelling human that wants to see as much of the world as he can.

Feel free to use any of the stuff I'll be writing about, and even to modify it. All kinds of comments are welcome, including critique, suggestions and appreciation. I am not the best writer, so if you want to correct me, don't hesitate - I am open to improving myself!

Hope you'll like this content, and have a nice day!

- Edward